Foundation for Moral Law

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Eagle Forum of Alabama and the Foundation for Moral Law

September 21, 20221 min read

The Department of Justice has issued a subpoena to the Eagle Forum of Alabama demanding all documentation regarding their work on the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (VCAP), the law prohibiting transgender surgeries for minors.

The Foundation joined 52 other organizations on Wednesday to file an amicus brief supporting the Eagle Forum. We all agree that the government's subpoena is "a transparent use of the civil litigation process to chill the speech and political organizing of those who hold views contrary to those of the United States and the Department of Justice.

The subpoena harms not just members of the public across all ideological and political spectra, who will be inhibited from open discourse and petitioning, but also legislators themselves, who benefit from hearing from their constituents without those citizens fearing subsequent federal investigations seeking reams of protected materials." See Boe v. Marshall, Amicus Brief of 53 Organizations at 2. Read the brief here.

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Eagle Forum of Alabama and the Foundation for Moral Law

September 21, 20221 min read

The Department of Justice has issued a subpoena to the Eagle Forum of Alabama demanding all documentation regarding their work on the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (VCAP), the law prohibiting transgender surgeries for minors.

The Foundation joined 52 other organizations on Wednesday to file an amicus brief supporting the Eagle Forum. We all agree that the government's subpoena is "a transparent use of the civil litigation process to chill the speech and political organizing of those who hold views contrary to those of the United States and the Department of Justice.

The subpoena harms not just members of the public across all ideological and political spectra, who will be inhibited from open discourse and petitioning, but also legislators themselves, who benefit from hearing from their constituents without those citizens fearing subsequent federal investigations seeking reams of protected materials." See Boe v. Marshall, Amicus Brief of 53 Organizations at 2. Read the brief here.

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Gallant, AL 35972

P.O. Box 4086

Montgomery, AL 36103